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Raising Funding and Exploiting your IP- Lunch and Learn Masterclass
Raising Funding and Exploiting your IP- Lunch and Learn Masterclass

Wed, 21 Aug



Raising Funding and Exploiting your IP- Lunch and Learn Masterclass

Learn how to secure funding and investment and hear about how to exploit your intellectual property.

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Time & Location

21 Aug 2024, 12:00 – 13:00


About the event

Join us for a unique workshop that brings together innovation specialists and thought leaders. Register for free here:

Participating businesses will gain insights into securing funding and investment while exploring new opportunities to drive their innovative solutions forward. Through practical examples, strategic discussions, and supporting materials, attendees will learn how to secure the necessary resources to advance their projects.

Innovation Strategy has successfully raised over £20 million for businesses, enabling ambitious and disruptive innovations. Our expertise lies in formulating effective strategies, maximizing partnership opportunities, and delivering compelling business cases. Securing funding and investment is a complex process and one of the greatest challenges for launching innovations. This workshop will guide you through finding the right funding sources and understanding the pros and cons of each. We will share valuable strategies and methods to enhance your chances of success.

Learn from experts on how to effectively exploit intellectual property, ensuring your innovations are competitive and well-protected. Understand the implications of legislative changes on frameworks and public sector contracting opportunities, and how to align your solutions with evolving market demands. Take advantage of this opportunity to network with other businesses, specialists, multinational corporations, and thought leaders. Build connections that can help you advance your innovative solutions.

Join us to find out more about raising funding and investment and using your intellectual property to further your business.

GDPR and Data Consent

Information you provide will be held in accordance with GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018, Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our personal Privacy Statement available on our website.

Am y digwyddiad hwn

Ymunwch â ni am weithdy unigryw sy'n dod â chynghorwyr o'r radd flaenaf, arbenigwyr arloesi, corfforaethau rhyngwladol, ac arweinwyr meddwl ynghyd. Bydd busnesau sy'n cymryd rhan yn cael mewnwelediad i sicrhau cyllid a buddsoddiad tra'n archwilio cyfleoedd newydd i yrru eu hatebion arloesol yn eu blaen. Trwy enghreifftiau ymarferol, trafodaethau strategol, a deunyddiau ategol, bydd mynychwyr yn dysgu sut i sicrhau'r adnoddau angenrheidiol i ddatblygu eu prosiectau.

Mae’r Strategaeth Arloesi wedi llwyddo i godi dros £20 miliwn i fusnesau, gan alluogi arloesiadau uchelgeisiol ac aflonyddgar. Ein harbenigedd yw llunio strategaethau effeithiol, gwneud y mwyaf o gyfleoedd partneriaeth, a chyflwyno achosion busnes cymhellol. Mae sicrhau cyllid a buddsoddiad yn broses gymhleth ac yn un o'r heriau mwyaf ar gyfer lansio arloesiadau. Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn eich arwain trwy ddod o hyd i'r ffynonellau ariannu cywir a deall manteision ac anfanteision pob un. Byddwn yn rhannu strategaethau a dulliau gwerthfawr i wella eich siawns o lwyddo.

Dysgwch gan arbenigwyr ar sut i ecsbloetio eiddo deallusol yn effeithiol, gan sicrhau bod eich datblygiadau arloesol yn gystadleuol ac wedi'u diogelu'n dda. Deall goblygiadau newidiadau deddfwriaethol ar fframweithiau a chyfleoedd contractio yn y sector cyhoeddus, a sut i gysoni eich atebion â gofynion esblygol y farchnad. Manteisiwch ar y cyfle hwn i rwydweithio â busnesau eraill, arbenigwyr, corfforaethau rhyngwladol, ac arweinwyr meddwl. Adeiladu cysylltiadau a all eich helpu i ddatblygu eich atebion arloesol.

Ymunwch â ni i ddarganfod mwy am godi arian a buddsoddiad a defnyddio eich eiddo deallusol i hybu eich busnes.

Caniatâd GDPR a Data

Bydd gwybodaeth a roddwch yn cael ei chadw yn unol â GDPR, Deddf Diogelu Data 2018, Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 a'n Datganiad Preifatrwydd personol sydd ar gael ar ein gwefan.

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